Pohnpei OPA promotes youth empowerment against corruption

OPAThe best way to prevent Fraud and Corruption is through Public Awareness and Public Education.  Sophia Pretrick has done too many talks and public speaking about good governance, integrity and anti-corruption for the past 10 years and the latest one was at the FSM 2019 Annual Finance & Budget Conference, which was held at the COM/FSM Gymnasium from March 11-14, 2019. The conference was attended by more than 200 delegates from the four (4) FSM States. Fraud and Corruption impact all aspects of our society that is why people especially from Government Sectors needs to know the impacts, how to prevent it and what to report.  As Madam Secretary, Sihna Lawrence of the FSM Department of Finance & Administration said “fraud and corruption are under-reported because people need to be aware and know what is fraud and corruption and be more vigilant in reporting it.”

The Pohnpei Public Auditor Iso Ihlen K. Joseph also attended the conference on the third day. The same date where the Youth-4-Change presented and showcased their own composition songs in front of delegates. They presented their own music video about corruption. Youth as the future leaders of Pohnpei are great ambassadors for doing anti-corruption activities.  Young people are some of the most important agents of change in the fight against corruption. Youth-4-Change is partnering with Pohnpei OPA in this endeavor. If our youth can invest their time for the good of our Island Pohnpei, lets also support and invest in our youth. As Franklin Roosevelt said “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”

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