2019 Women’s Day – Kosrae Kolonia Women Organization- KITAIL

By Sonia Kephas

 March 9, 2019

Pohnpei—The celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD) across the world was a sight to behold. An unexpected crowd of approximately 100 participants, including both men and women, boys and girls joined Kosrae Women Organization (KITAIL) to commemorate Women’s Day on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at FSM – China Friendship Sports Center in Pohnpei. The celebration was the first time in history for “Mutan Kosrae” residing in Pohnpei to join women across the globe to celebrate this special day. KITAIL believes that women are important, and that the day should be celebrated by honouring women with gifts in different forms commemorating their significance in life and empowerment in all fields.

Several activities took place during the celebration:

1)            Amazing presentations of drawing contest among young girls from Elementary School to High School to highlights importance of this year IWD theme “Balance for Better”.  There were three winning contestants with cash awards of $45, $50 and $70. The awards were presented by Madam Zhao, the wife of the Ambassador Embassy of People’s Republic of China in the FSM.

2)            Q&A session which focused on the history of IWD, women’s health, and other subjects.

3)            FSM and China Friendship Q&A to raise more awareness about Chinese friendship support throughout FSM. KITAIL was fortunate to receive friendship funding support from China Embassy whereby free t-shirts, free Kosrae delicacy local soup were made available and served to everyone.

4)            Demonstration of local weaving specifically to younger girls, etc.

Keynote speaker, Mrs. Kenye G. Jackson presented a remarkable presentation for every woman to know that they are important in their family, society, and everywhere.

KITAIL is still in its infancy stage. Nonetheless, we are proud and grateful to join the world to celebrate 2019 Women’s Day for the first time in history. Let us continue to celebrate with honor and respect.

Officers for KITAIL:

  1. Mrs. Sonia T. Kephas, President
  2. Mrs. Senyorina A. Nena, Vice President/ Second Lady of Kosrae State
  3. Mrs. Shrue P. Joseph, Secretary
  4. Mrs. Mona A. Jackson, Treasurer
  5. Mrs. Elisa Isaac & Mrs. Loucila S. Abraham, Assistant Treasurer/Secretary Treasurer
  6. Mrs. Aimina W. Likiaksa, Advisor
  7. Mrs. Yoslyn G. Sigrah, Legal Consultant
  8. Dr. Lily H. Jonas, Health Consultant
  9. Mrs. Kenye H. Jackson, Health Advisor
  10. Mrs. Cancilina K. Kephas, Youth Advisor

List of donors:

1)Embassy of People's Republic of China in FSM

2) Micronesian Production

3) Mayor of Kolonia Town Government

4) Kosrae Kolonia Congregational Church

5) Etawi Fusr Kosrae Kolonia

6) Mr. Johnson Asher

7) Mr. Alik K. Jackson

8) Mr. Simpson Abraham

9) LM. Gerson A. Jackson

10) Dcn. Kalwin Kephas

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