Enimwahn Development Association celebrates end of FSM SGP project with an Impiohkai

Enimwahn Development Association

On Saturday March 2nd, 2019 the Enimwahn Development Association celebrated the end of their FSM Small Grants project entitled “Improving the sustainability and diversity of home farming activities in Enimwahn” by holding an Impiohkai or agricultural festival an Nanmweid, Madolenihmw.  This impiohkai showcased all the locally grown fruits and vegetables that the EDA community grew under this food security themed project.   

                The Enimwahn community used this grant to educate themselves on the issue of climate change and biodiversity and planted different varieties of food crops to grow.  In addition, they created nurseries, a tool shed and a greenhouse to continue to grow planting materials for the community. 

                The event was attended by many dignitaries including the EDA village chiefs, the Honorable Shelten Neth - Pohnpei State Sentor and Chairman of the Madolenihmw delegation to the PSL, Meninkeder Lapalap – Chief Magistrate of Madolenihmw Municipality, Hon. Winsener John - Speaker of the Madolenihmw Council, Mr. Sohnsper Penias - councilman, and the FSM SGP Program Director, Mr. Simpson Abraham.

The keynote speaker was Mr. Adelino Lorens who is a long-standing supporter of eating local foods and is a role model as he has gone 10 years without eating rice.

                The Enimwahn community would like to thank all the stakeholders in Pohnpei that contributed to their project such as the Pohnpei State Agriculture Office, COM-Land Grant, USDA-NRCS, State Forestry, the Madolenihmw Municipal Government, FSM Congressman Dion G. Neth, Micronesian Productions, and the Island Food Community of Pohnpei.  Also, a big KALAHNGAN to the UN GEF FSM Small Grants Program for giving us this opportunity to improve our lives and our livelihoods.

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