NOAA Chuuk Station holds ribbon cutting ceremony for newly renovated building

Embassy of the United States of America Kolonia

NOAA2On February 15, 2019, the U.S. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) substation in Weno, Chuuk held a ribbon cutting ceremony for their newly refurbished building. The facility served as a working station for over 10 staff members. The refurbishment included a kitchenette, office space, a conference room, toilet facilities and additional space for data equipment.

Economic/Consular Officer, Anthony Alexander delivered remarks on behalf of the American Embassy. In his remarks he stated “the weather station underscores our partnership with Federated States of Micronesia to improve the lives of its people” and also commended Mr. Perry Killion, who served more than 20 years at the Chuuk station. The Honorable Chuuk State Governor Johnson Elimo stated “it is important to have a full operational weather station because data entry and monitoring does not only benefit the people of Chuuk but the whole world.” Governor Elimo spoke from his own experience when he served at the NOAA Chuuk Sub-station. Also in attendance of the ceremony John Murphy, Chief Operating Officer representing the NOAA Main Office in Washington D.C., Ray Tanabe, Director NWS Pacific Region, Honolulu Hawaii, Charles Guard, Warning Coordination Meteorologist from Guam Station,  Secretary Andrew Yatilman Department of Environment Climate Change and Emergency Management, Chuuk State Governor Johson Elimo, President Mark Mailo House of Senate, Former FSM Vice President Redley Killion and Mr. Johannes Berdon Official in Charge Chuuk Weather Station Office.

During the ceremony Charles “Chip” Guard announced that one of the biggest challenges for the state of Chuuk was the inter-island travel. One of the services they hope to provide citizens of Chuuk is wave data within the lagoon and hopefully in the future add data outside the lagoon. This service will benefit boat operators and travelers and promote safe commutes to the outer-islands.

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