30th anniversary of formal FSM-China diplomatic relations begin with science

FSM Information Services

PALIKIR, Pohnpei—

ChinaAttendees were treated to a presentation about Chinese scientific discoveries in areas such as oceanography, marine biology, and marine industries. This was followed by an extensive tour of the ship’s highly advanced, cutting-edge features, and then a series of genuinely heartfelt speeches held in the dining room.

Zhang Weitao, Deputy Chief of Mission for the Chinese Embassy in FSM, performed the Master of Ceremony duties, and first introduced Professor Wang Fan, Director of IOCAS. “This research vessel is the platform for researchers to address the world’s most pressing marine science issues,” Director Wang said, “…and in recent years, as both the FSM and China have continued to score new progress in economic and social development…and as we go forward with more bilateral exchanges to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes...this ship can help us to continue to strengthen our connectivity under the China-Pacific Framework to carry out exchanges…in marine science research and ocean protection, aquaculture…and cooperation. I wish all of you good health…and I’d like to extend my New Year wishes to you all.”

Next up to speak was Ambassador Huang, who said “…We are a few days after the New Year, but most importantly we are celebrating here today the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the FSM…. Last year, in November, Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Peter M. Christian of the FSM had a very good and important meeting where they have decided to improve our relations…to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Why comprehensive, and what does that mean?” said the Ambassador, “it means…that China will help the FSM more in areas of education, health, culture, and science.”

“We share the same sky, we share the same earth, and we share the same ocean,” said Ambassador Huang. “So finally we will share the same future.”

China2The last formal speaker was Secretary Robert. “It’s very interesting and perhaps fitting that the name of this ship [KeXue] is Science,” Secretary Robert said, “And it’s also fitting that this ship has a very important…mandate to study the ocean. As you know, FSM…has many challenges maximizing the utility of our resources and fisheries without harming their sustainability…and climate change especially is a concern. We do not yet have scientists in the FSM but…that’s because our islands, our people, our culture—we are the science.”

Near the end of the evening, Secretary Robert, the Honorable Shelten Neth, and Ambassador Huang each gave brief closing remarks thanking everyone for coming.

The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia strives for, and appreciates, amicable relationships with all nations and peoples. Our comprehensive strategic partnership with China, in particular, has provided our country with some significant and much needed infrastructure improvements. Future assistance includes plans for a new ship and plans for a new aircraft to improve our transportation infrastructure and ocean surveillance capability.

Although this is one of a series of events to follow, September 11th, 2019 will mark the official date for the 30th anniversary of formal diplomatic relations between the Federated States of Micronesia and the People’s Republic of China.

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