Ulik sworn in as Chief Magistrate of Kapingamarangi

By Bill Jaynes

The Kaselehlie Press


January 8, 2019

Kapinga1Pohnpei—During the noon hour today, the people of Kapingamarangi present on Pohnpei’s main island celebrated the inauguration of their newly elected magistrate in the new nahs in the Pohnrakiet village.

FSM President Peter Christian joined the crowds of people who came to witness former magistrate Galeb Camule handing over the reins of the Kapingamarangi government to newly elected magistrate Nathan Ulik.

Pohnpei Supreme Court Justice Macy Anson administered the oath of office. Ulik swore his oath of office in front of the large crowd with his hand on the Bible his wife held.

Throughout the ceremony, a group of traditionally dressed singers sang religious songs.

When the time came, Camule outlined the successes during his time in office and also the continuing challenges and ongoing projects for the incoming magistrate. He passed on a hand carved paddle to his successor.Kapinga2

Ulik gave his inaugural speech in the language of his people, after which his wife sang a song that began tentatively and then grew strength as she appeared to gain confidence and as the guitarists accompanying her caught up with her key.

Family members sang a musical selection to close off the inaugural ceremony.

Pohnpei Senator Edgar Lickaneth served as the Master of Ceremonies for the inauguration.

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