Pohnpei Supreme Court officer charged with forgery on allotment authorization

By Bill Jaynes
The Kaselehlie Press
October 4, 2018
Pohnpei—Pohnpei today filed criminal charges of forgery against Mitzue S. Paulis, the Administrator of the Pohnpei Supreme Court.
The state alleges that on May 26, 2017, Paulis submitted a false request to the Payroll Division of Pohnpei Government to discontinue making pre-authorized monthly deductions in the amount of $221 from her salary for satisfaction of a personal loan with the Bank of Guam. The charges allege that she forged a bank employee’s signature on the form to make it appear that the Bank of Guam had made and approved the request to the Pohnpei State government.
The Payroll Division did not grant the request because the signature seemed suspicious.
The state alleges that the submission of the form with the allegedly forged signature was an attempt to deceive the Bank of Guam and the State of Pohnpei.
Paulis is innocent unless otherwise proved in a court of law.

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