Local underwater photographers catch awards in Yap


Colonia, Yap- Some fish enthusiasts bring home mounted displays of their catch. Two Guam residents took home awards for a photo and a video of sea life instead.
Mike Fusco and Julia Nefczyk were among the divers from the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, Korea and Germany attending MantaFest 2018 in August. The underwater enthusiasts came together to dive among the island’s resident population of manta rays and study with professional underwater photographers.
Fusco’s video of a moray eel and a banded shrimp received Honorable Mention in the Video category while Nefczyk's photo of angelfish swam away Local underwater photographers catch awards in Yap with a top award in the Compact Camera/ Behavior category.
Held annually by the Manta Ray Bay Resort and Yap Divers, the event brings divers from around the world for two weeks of photo workshops, special dives, evening media presentations, oneon- one training by top professionals, a photo contest, dive party and tours of the island. In addition to diving, snorkeling and deep sea fishing, Yap is renowned for its unique stone money currency and its culture that is among the best preserved in the Pacific region.
For more information, go to www.mantaray.com or #mantaraybay.

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