Embassy of the People’s Republic of China hosts Fun Run/Walk in Pohnpei

fun run

By Bill Jaynes
The Kaselehlie Press
September 22, 2018
Approximately 700 runners and walkers of all ages braved the early morning hours to participate in a 5K fun run/walk sponsored by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to the FSM. The theme of the event was “China and FSM Friendship Forever” and participants each received a t-shirt emblazoned with the theme celebrating 29 years of diplomatic relations between the FSM and China.
They also received large folding fans with a stunning graphic of the Great Wall of China juxtaposed with the FSM’s World Heritage site, Nan Madol.
China’s Ambassador Huang Zheng gave a speech about the warm relations that the FSM has had with China since 1989.
Acting Foreign Affairs Secretary Samson Pretrick spoke on a similar topic.
But runners were anxious to get started and when the speeches were done, they were ready to take off. Jim Tobin of the FSM National Olympic Committee had to reign then walkers and runners back in so that they could all start at the same time.
When they did start, it was like the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. One of the runners later commented that he had participated in the famous running of the bulls once in his life. He said that he found that the biggest danger in that event was not the bulls themselves, but of the people trying to get out of their way.
When the countdown was completed, the runners and walkers took off across the width of the road—bystanders, like photographers could potentially have been in danger but survived. When the smoke cleared at the starting line, a lonely pair of broken zorries (slippers, flip flops) lay abandoned in the street.
Clearly, some of the runners were serious about getting down the road and 20 minutes or so later, some of the runners were already back. Walkers were slower about it but after they had mostly all arrived, prizes were awarded by draw for registered participants.

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