US Embassy welcomes DCM Heather Coble


us embassy 01By Bill Jaynes
The Kaselehlie Press
September 21, 2018 Pohnpei—US Ambassador to the FSM, Robert Riley hosted a dinner reception to welcome the new Deputy Chief of Mission Heather Coble and her husband to the FSM.
According to a press release on the US Embassy website, Coble previously served primarily in economic positions, include Fiji, Panama, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Washington D.C., and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The Foreign Service is her third career after successful professions in the corporate and academic sectors. She has experience with global financial concerns, antimoney laundering and anti-corruption initiatives, business promotion, and environment, science, technology, and health issues. She speaks Spanish and Indonesian.
Heather earned her undergraduate degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She completed her Masters of Business Administration and earned a Master of Science in Economics from Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. Her husband is a retired FBI special agent. They have two daughters, a mechanical engineer and a marine biologist who like surfing. The entire family enjoys boating, SCUBA, and snorkeling.
During his speech, Ambassador Riley said that Coble has also earned a doctorate.
After her introduction, Coble spent the evening circulating among all of the tables, not just those where dignitaries such as Vice President Yosiwo George and others sat.

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