More than 60 year old Pohnpei Public Broadcasting Corporation building renovated

By Bill Jaynes

 MG 1811The Kaselehlie Press

August 29, 2018

P o h n p e i — Dignitaries gathered this afternoon for a ribbon cutting ceremony at V6AH, Pohnpei’s public radio station. The building had not been renovated in many years.

Commissioner Peterson Sam said that in addition to brand new paint and signage, structural repairs and improvements were made that now makes it possible to use areas that had long been relegated to storage. The hallways were widened to allow for access for people with disabilities. Other improvements are planned and in the works.

The purpose of the renovation was for the enhancement of early warning and supporting the effective delivery of public information and awareness raising. It was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (USRDA), and also by the FSM Congress. The project was implemented by the International Organization for Migration – PREPARE program with cooperation from Pohnpei Governor’s Office and Pohnpei Public Broadcasting Corporation.

The Master of Ceremonies for today’s program was Brenda Eperiam. Deacon Augustine Damarlane gave the invocation. Speakers were Kester James, the Chairman of the PBBC Board of Directors; Governor Marcelo Peterson; Ambassador Robert Riley, US Ambassador to the FSM; Nathan Glancy, Chief of Party, IOM; and Lt. Governor Reed Oliver.

The ribbon was cut by Ambassador Riley, Mr. Glancy, and Governor Peterson.

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