FSM Supreme Court Hosts training in Palikir

CaptureThe National Supreme Court of FSM and the Pacific Judicial Strengthening Initiative hosted the Activity Preparation and Refresher Training-of-Trainers Workshop from 23-17 July, 2018, at the Central Facility in Palikir, Pohnpei.

The workshop was attended by 18 court staff from Pohnpei, Yap, Chuuk and Kosrae. The faculty included trainers from FSM and Australia.

Participants of the workshop received training to develop their confidence in leading, designing, delivering, monitoring and evaluating ongoing judicial and court development activities. The practical and interactive workshop also focused on developing adult learning skills to help the Supreme Court with implementing its newly developed Access to Justice Plan and associated training in each State.

Mr. Harry Naruuhn, State Justice Ombudsman from Chuuk, noted that: “I strongly believe that the workshop is very helpful and has expanded my comfort zone and understanding of Access to Justice. Previously I thought that only lawyers were concerned with Access to Justice, but I now know that everyone has a responsibility to ensure Access to Justice.”

The workshop is one of the many workshops held by the Pacific Judicial Strengthening Initiative within the Pacific. The Initiative is funded by New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade which has supported promoting the rule of law across the Pacific over recent years. Ms. Shrue Lonno, Chief Clerk of Courts from Kosrae expressed her: “Thanks to PJSI for making it possible to participate!”

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