PATA Micronesia
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Pohnpei, FSM – The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Micronesia Chapter
proudly announces its new Board of Directors and Committee Chairs for term 2021 / 2022.
Incoming Board of Directors are:
Chairwoman Paula Monk, United Airlines, Guam;
Vice-Chairwoman Priscilla M. Iakopo, Marianas Visitors Authority, CNMI;
Secretary Luciano Abraham, Pohnpei Port Authority;
Treasurer Francis Carlos Domnick, Office of Commerce, Investment & Tourism, Marshall Islands;
Alternate Board Member, Ed Arriola, Jr., Blue 46 Associates, Saipan; and
Immediate Past Chair, Stephanie Nakamura, Paradise Comfort Rentals, Palau.
They will be assisted by Standing Committee Chairs:
Culture, Heritage and Environment Committee Chairwoman Rita Pangelinan Nauta, Guampedia Foundation, Guam &
Vice-Chairwoman Sandra Iseke Okada, Traditions Affirming Our Seafaring Ancestry (TASA), Inc. Guam;
Education Committee Chairwoman Denise Mendiola, Guam & Don Evans, Yap Visitors Bureau, Yap;
Marketing Committee Chairman Mark Manglona, Guam Visitors Bureau, Guam & Vice-Chairman Ed Arriola, Blue 46
Associates, Saipan;
Membership Committee Chairwoman Victoria Blas-Toves, Asea Guam & Beverly Borja, Guam; and
Public Relations Chairman Perdus Esha, Jr., Seabreeze Hotel, Pohnpei & Vice-Chairwoman Lou Aguon-Schulte,
Paradises, Australia.
Incoming Board Chairwoman Paula Monk said, “I am honored and look forward to working with our board. I believe I
can speak for our board and members by saying that we have a very important job to do this term, which is to help our
region recover from the effects of a loss year and to make safety as our top priority. We are motivated to join forces and
share knowledge and resources that can help the region safely rebuild to its once-thriving tourism economy.”
PATA Micronesia also recognizes and thanks outgoing Chairwoman Stephanie Nakamura for her service for the past
two years. She led the Micronesia Chapter alongside Vice-Chairwoman Paula Monk; Secretary Marstella Jack;
Treasurer Mark Manglona; Alternate Board Member Perdus Ehsa, Jr.; and Immediate Past Chair, Pilar Laguaña. They
were supported by Marketing Chairwoman Lori DeBrum & Vice-Chairman Luciano Abraham; Membership
Chairwoman Lou Aguon-Schulte & Vice-Chairwoman Victoria Blas-Toves; Education Chairwoman Denise Mendiola
& Vice-Chair Don Evans; Culture, Heritage and Environment Chairwoman Rita Nauta & Vice-Chairwoman Sandra
Okada; and Public Relations Chairwoman Judy Torres & Vice-Chairwoman Catherine Perry.
This past term, the Micronesia Chapter successfully held tri-annual meetings throughout the Micronesia region;
co-sponsored tourism-related training, workshops, and seminars; and secured a partnership with United Airlines to
assist with travel for trainers, speakers, and presenters.
PATA Micronesia’s 2021 mission will focus on continuing to assist in the development of the region’s tourism industry
to include sensitivity for environmental issues, respect for Micronesian cultures, adherence to high operational
standards, and providing opportunities for education, training, and gainful employment.
While travel restrictions still apply in the region, the Chapter will continue to meet virtually until restrictions are lifted.
“We face many challenges ahead, however, we are hopeful that we can soon return to safely meeting in person this year
to build momentum for our important work in the region,” Monk added. “We learned so much about the fragility of
tourism globally during this pandemic, and we are ready to support the islands in Micronesia to rebuild their tourism
offerings and get businesses reopened and people back to work.”